Maritime cities are a unique type of urban asset.  Often but not always serving a port function, these cities retain a privileged relationship with the sea and its resources.  Working in this context requires knowledge of a particular combination of themes: marine ecology, harbor infrastructure and industrial change, maritime economies, trade networks, tourism, climate change, as well as sociological conditions common among maritime communities. We can:

​Photo Credit: Peter Hellberg

Develop knowledge profiles for cities and institutions

  • Spatialize contemporary economic activity

  • Document types of knowledge present and locations (formal and informal) critical to new knowledge production; identify events of knowledge transfer and integration of new technology into traditional industries

  • Classify and track emergent industries and place-based innovation

​Photo Credit: Mitya Ku

Understand legacy building stock and infrastructure 

  • Identify underutilized sites and vacant buildings
  • Identify of opportunity for redevelopment based upon building stock attributes, neighborhood age-diversity and other factors
  • Develop strategies to manage building stock inventories in order to connect developers and financial partners with investment opportunities 

​Photo Credit: dimnikolov

Understand conditions particular to maritime settings

  • Understand competing interests for land and water resources, as well as pertinent regulation of maritime activities
  • Assess conditions, trends and cultures within particular industries, such as shipping, fishing and tourism
  • Understand the interrelationship of forces in a maritime economies and seasonal patterns of activity