Planning begins with understanding your project mission, vision and objectives, while also analyzing potential resources available, not only site and buildings, but also the human, capital, natural and cultural resources that might be associated with a project. While working closely with you to refine your programmatic concepts, we will identify regulatory conditions and opportunities — such as zoning, tax credit and economic development incentives — pertinent to your objectives. We can:
Develop a planning process responsive to the specific social/cultural, economic and physical/environmental context of your project, including community engagement processes that educate about site history while directing focus and energy on the positive opportunities that site transformation can bring about.
Assemble site documentation, including historic records and pertinent regulatory information
Identify key team members for each phase of your project
Perform site analysis
Establish a master plan and phasing strategy for complex site planning objectives
Develop site and building use programs, including visitor experience and site interpretation planning
Lead or contribute to required regulatory applications for site development and when needed, pursue zoning changes, special permits and LEED certification
Work closely with contractors and subconsultants to establish project budgets and timelines, and to review construction cost estimates
Advise on real estate financial analysis, economic development strategy and site specific business pro formas