Our portfolio includes projects for museums, cultural centers, environmental organizations, as well as faith communities - the commonality among them is the desire to practice wise and creative institutional stewardship. We are accustomed to assembling the necessary multi-disciplinary team members and we work to forge strong relationships with our clients for effective collaboration over the long haul. We can collaborate in different capacities, for example:

Leading strategic + master planning
While working for Overland Partners | Architects, Laurie led the Master Plan for The Chickasaw Cultural Center in Sulphur, Oklahoma. Working closely with the Chickasaw Nation, we identified key objectives, incorporated critical team members, analyzed resources, defined a program, budget and schedule, and developed conceptual architectural and interpretive design.
Working in the context of broader projects
Laurie led the interpretive master plan for the Lower Colorado River Authority's Wilkerson Center for Colorado River Education at Redbud in Austin, Texas. She developed an educational visitor experience program and coordinated a multi-disciplinary team in the interpretive design for an underutilized five-acre site, concurrent with the architectural design (by TBG Architects) for LCRA's new LEED-rated Emergency Operations Center.